- 测试对象:ChatGPT (O1 版)、ChatGPT (O3 mini 版)、DeepSeek-R1
- 测试时间:2025 年 02 月 05 日
- 评估标准:语义准确性、文化适配度、句式流畅性
例 1:「欢迎新老师生前来就餐」
- 语义歧义:"新老"修饰范围存在两种解读
- 文化背景:中文缩略表达习惯
模型 | 英文翻译 | 语义准确性(/10) | 备注 |
ChatGPT (O1) | Welcome new teachers and students to come and dine | 5/10 | 没有翻译出“老” |
ChatGPT (O3 mini) | Welcome new teachers and students to come and have a meal. | 5/10 | 没有翻译出“老” |
DeepSeek | Welcome new and returning teachers and students to dine here. | 10/10 | 准确翻译出了“新老” |
例 2:「你这人真有意思,一点意思都不懂」
- 语义歧义:重复的“意思”分别指“有趣”和“意图”,需差异化翻译
模型 | 英文翻译 | 文化适配度(/10) | 备注 |
ChatGPT (O1) | You're quite something, yet you don't get a single thing | 5/10 | 没有翻译出“意思”的真正含义 |
ChatGPT (O3 mini) | You're really something; you don't understand a thing. | 5/10 | 没有翻译出“意思”的真正含义 |
DeepSeek | You're such a character... but you don't get the point at all | 10/10 | 译为 "such a character"(口语中略带揶揄的“你真是个活宝/怪人”),比直译 "interesting" 更贴合语境。 |
例 3:「他这人太江湖了,说话总带三分黑话」
- 文化负载词:“江湖”隐含中国武侠文化中的生存规则,需意译而非直译
- 隐喻表达:"三分黑话"的量化表述
模型 | 英文翻译 | 文化适配度(/10) | 备注 |
ChatGPT (O1) | He’s a bit too streetwise—there’s always some coded ‘underworld’ slang in the way he talks | 9/10 | |
ChatGPT (O3 mini) | He's such a man of the underworld that his speech is always laced with a touch of criminal slang. | 8/10 | |
DeepSeek | He's way too streetwise, always lacing his speech with coded underworld lingo | 9/10 | |
“太江湖了”: underworld 可能过于强调地下社会,而“江湖”不一定全是非法的。streetwise 则侧重于街头智慧,但可能不够全面。相比较而言,我觉得后者的表达更贴近原意点。