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2 posts tagged with "String"

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· 3 min read


It's a common problem to count the number of (visible) characters in a string.

In Golang, we can use utf8.RuneCountInString() function to count the number of characters in a string.

It works well for most cases, including multi-byte characters like Chinese.

Code example

package main

import (

func main() {
str := "abc世界"
fmt.Println(utf8.RuneCountInString(str)) // 5

But if the string contains emoji characters like 👉🏻, then in some cases this function will not calculate correctly.

package main

import (

func main() {
emojiWorld := "🌍"
fmt.Println(utf8.RuneCountInString(emojiWorld)) // 1 ✅ no problem

emojiHand := "👉"
fmt.Println(utf8.RuneCountInString(emojiHand)) // 1 ✅ no problem

emojiHandBlack := "👉🏿"
fmt.Println(utf8.RuneCountInString(emojiHandBlack)) // 2 ❌ Got 2, expected 1.

emojiOne := "1️⃣"
fmt.Println(utf8.RuneCountInString(emojiOne)) // 3 ❌ Got 3, expected 1.

You can copy the emoji from here emojipedia.


This is because some emoji are composed of multiple unicode characters (Code Points), while the utf8.RuneCountInString() function only counts the number of unicode characters.

BytesThe smallest unit used to measure data storage, typically 8 bits in binary.
Code UnitsFixed-size units used in encoding schemes to represent a character. In UTF-8, a Code Unit is 8 bits, and in UTF-16, it's 16 bits.
Code PointsIn the Unicode standard, each character is assigned a unique code point, which is a numerical identifier for the character. For example, the code point for the Latin letter "A" is U+0041.
Grapheme ClustersRepresent the smallest units perceivable in a language, typically a sequence of one or more Code Points. For instance, a letter with an accent mark might be a Grapheme Cluster.

For example, 1️⃣ this emoji is composed of 3 Code Points, which are:


Rendered by Markdown Table


Emoji Code Points can be found here emojipedia.


So we need to count the number of Grapheme Clusters instead of Code Points.

Use third-party library rivo/uniseg

package main

import (


func main() {
emojiWorld := "🌍"
fmt.Println(uniseg.GraphemeClusterCount(emojiWorld)) // 1 ✅ 没有问题

emojiHand := "👉"
fmt.Println(uniseg.GraphemeClusterCount(emojiHand)) // 1 ✅ 没有问题

emojiHandBlack := "👉🏿"
fmt.Println(uniseg.GraphemeClusterCount(emojiHandBlack)) // 1 ✅ 没有问题

emojiOne := "1️⃣"
fmt.Println(uniseg.GraphemeClusterCount(emojiOne)) // 1 ✅ 没有问题

Actually, there are not only emoji, but also some Thai and Arabic characters are composed of multiple unicode characters.


Go で文字数をカウントする 在 Go 中计算字符数

文字数をカウントする 7 つの方法

Go: Unicode と rune 型

· One min read


labstack/gommon 的代码中 看到了这个库 valyala/fasttemplate, 于是就去 调查了一下。


labstack 是 Echo Web Framework 的 Organization。

什么是 fasttemplate

fasttemplate 是一个高效的 Go 模板引擎,比 Go 标准库的模板引擎 text/template 快很多,

而且比 strings.Replace, strings.Replacerfmt.Fprintf 都要快。


具体可以看一下 fasttemplate 的 benchmark

fasttemplate 的使用


    template := "http://{{host}}/?q={{query}}&foo={{bar}}{{bar}}"
t := fasttemplate.New(template, "{{", "}}")
s := t.ExecuteString(map[string]interface{}{
"host": "",
"query": url.QueryEscape("hello=world"),
"bar": "foobar",
fmt.Printf("%s", s)

// Output:


    template := "Hello, [user]! You won [prize]!!! [foobar]"
t, err := fasttemplate.NewTemplate(template, "[", "]")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unexpected error when parsing template: %s", err)
s := t.ExecuteFuncString(func(w io.Writer, tag string) (int, error) {
switch tag {
case "user":
return w.Write([]byte("John"))
case "prize":
return w.Write([]byte("$100500"))
return w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("[unknown tag %q]", tag)))
fmt.Printf("%s", s)

// Output:
// Hello, John! You won $100500!!! [unknown tag "foobar"]