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git commit --amend --no-edit

· One min read

git commit --amend --no-edit

When you think you have fixed an issue, but you were not able to fix it completely in one go (perhaps there were just some typos);


When you really have fixed an issue, but you forgot to add some files,

You can use this:

git add .
git commit --amend --no-edit # --no-edit 选项表示不修改 commit message。
git push -f # 如果你已经 push 过了,需要添加 -f 来强制 push。

Maybe I just wrote this article to experience the gitGraph feature of mermaidjs 😄.

And BTW the commit message of gitGraph is rotated by default.

If you want to change it to horizontal, you need to add the following configuration in docusaurus.config.js:

+      mermaid: {
+ options: {
+ gitGraph: { rotateCommitLabel: false },
+ },
+ },
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